Instant Boiling Water and Chilled Water Tap

Due to a water main break in your area you should boil all drinking and cooking water (or use bottled water) until further notice. Please run your cold water taps for a few minutes to flush out any lead that may have leached from your pipes.

Zip HydroTap is Australia’s premium boiling and chilled filtered water appliance. Choose from a range of stylish finishes and features.

Boiling Water

Boiling water is one of the safest ways to purify tap water. It kills most pathogens, viruses and protozoa which are harmful to human health. This is why the recommendation during a boil water advisory is to heat your drinking tap water for at least a minute.

A Quooker tap features a safe knurled dial to trigger the boiling function and a double-press feature to prevent accidental dispensing. The spout is also aerated which reduces the spitting and scolding of traditional kettle taps.

The clever Billi system offers four water options from a single spout: 100degC boiling water, cold filtered and normal hot and cold flows. A choice of stunning finishes including brushed chrome, white and matt black make for a great addition to your kitchen. Australia’s world-famous brand is known for its premium filters and patented technology that recovers waste energy used to chill water and re-uses it to preheat the boiler.

A full range of accessories and spare parts is available for your instant boiling water tap, from filters to valves and more. A maintenance service programme is available to help prevent limescale and hard water build up which will ensure that your tap continues to operate at optimum performance. For more information about instant boiling water taps or if you would like us to advise you on the best model for your home, get in touch with one of our experts.

Chilled Water

A boiling and chilled filtered water tap from Winning Appliances provides instant chilled drinking water at the touch of a button. With a range of different taps available in a variety of finishes, these innovative kitchen appliances are perfect for Australian households.

The patented Zip PowerPulse technology used in our taps delivers small energy bursts efficiently to maintain the perfect boiling water temperature. This saves energy compared to continuous heating and cooling, and is better for the environment.

Chilled filtered water is also great for refreshing fruit juices and adding to a green smoothie to boost your health. Having access to filtered sparkling water also means you can say goodbye to single use plastic bottles and the carbon footprint they leave behind.

All Billi taps feature a safety lock mode that prevents access to boiling water if the unit is turned off. They also have a splash-free boiling water flow which electronically varies the speed of the water to eliminate spills.

During a boil water advisory, it’s recommended that you run the cold taps until they show signs of running clear, which can help flush any air or rust out of your pipes and make sure the water is safe to drink. This is also the best way to ensure you’re not consuming any lead leached from your plumbing.

Sparkling Water

A sparkling water tap adds a splash of fun to any refreshment station. It also makes it easier to get staff to drink more water. It’s a cost-effective, eco-friendly alternative to buying bottled water and shows your organisation cares about staff health and wellbeing.

The CUBE sparkling system works by chilling filtered water to the perfect temperature before carbonating it. This means a glass of chilled sparkling water is always ready at the touch of a button. And without the need for a fridge it uses only 12W of energy during operation (excluding cooling).

Billi’s sparkling water taps are available with a choice of stylish countertop fonts and finishes to complement any kitchen design. They’re designed and made in Australia and feature premium filters to deliver superior tasting and quality water. With a choice of models dispensing 15-50 litres per hour they’re ideal for workspaces with 60+ users. They’re also quieter than air-cooled systems and don’t require cupboard ventilation or a cooling fan. Plus, a patented cooling system recycles waste heat to preheat boiling water so they’re as energy efficient as possible. This reduces electricity bills by up to 80% and carbon emissions too.

Filtered Water

Water filters remove impurities from the tap water making it healthier to drink and cook with. Some systems even remove chlorine, and chemicals such as asbestos fibres or rust particles from your drinking water. They can also remove parasitic micro-organisms that can cause illness, such as Cryptosporidium or Giardia. Some systems use a combination of different methods, such as a carbon filter to remove chlorine, and a UV ray system to destroy cysts and bacteria.

A filtered water tap is ideal for households with kids or anyone who wants to protect their health. It’s an eco-friendly choice over buying and storing bottles of water as it uses less energy, and reduces the amount of waste produced from plastic. The initial investment in a water filter is minimal and it’s far cheaper than purchasing large amounts of bottled water over the course of a year.

The filtration system works in tandem with the hot water heater to prevent lime scale build up, which can cause unnecessary electricity costs. Some models even recycle the waste heat energy from a chilling cycle and reuse it to preheat your boiling water, further minimising your household energy consumption. The range of filtered water taps from Billi are WELL certified, meaning that they have been designed to meet strict criteria that promote human health and well-being. instant boiling water and chilled water tap

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