The high risk of isotretinoin induced depression

According to tretinoin manufacturer, isotretinoin and tretinoin were using in treat acne. Dermatologist reminded acne patients that medication should according to doctor’s instruction, do not overdose or drug treatment. Skin damage, mental disorders and other symptoms during treatment should be discontinued immediately and seek the physician medication guide or correct.

Topical isotretinoin cream or gel, after 5-12 days medication will cause slightly skin irritation, such as local flushing, desquamation, tight or burning sensation, but gradually disappeared. Therefore, you should start using from the low concentration, using one time per night, avoid increased drug irritating after exposure. There are five major risk of oral isotretinoin, teratogenic, mental disorder, severe skin damage and so on.

Serious teratogenic effects of isotretinoin is known to mankind, including craniofacial deformities, central nervous system abnormalities, cardiovascular malformations. Already pregnant, prepare for pregnant and lactating women disabled to use this drugs. Women in childbearing age before using isotretinoin should take pregnancy test to ensure not pregnant before starting medication. During medication and after withdrawal within three months, childbearing women and their spouses should take strict contraceptive measures (many countries recommends two measures of contraception) to ensure that no pregnancy.

Isotretinoin may cause mental disorders. Rare adverse reactions can occur in patients with emotional instability, mental abnormalities, and may exhibit aggressive behavior, depression, suicidal ideation, suicide attempts or suicide. Therefore, before the doctor taking isotretinoin should be asked whether patients with a history of mental disorder, express may cause severe mental disorders and the consequences to the patients clearly.

Isotretinoin is related to benign intracranial pressure (also known as pseudotumor cerebri) elevated, and use tetracycline class of anti-infectives may increase the incidence of adverse. Patients, such as headache, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances and other symptoms, seek medical attention immediately for investigation. In order to prevent the occurrence of pseudotumor cerebri, should avoid the simultaneous use of tetracycline drugs.

According to cosmetic raw material suppliers, Isotretinoin may also cause serious damage to the skin, such as dry lips and skin, cheilitis, desquamation, rash, itching, skin fragility increased allergic reactions. In addition, the drug, as well as hearing and visual impairment, osteoporosis, elevated liver enzymes, inflammatory bowel disease, acute pancreatitis and other side effects. Patients should according to dosage and administration in the instructions or your doctor prescribed, carefully read the instructions, adverse reactions should consult doctors, once show up serious adverse reactions should be immediately discontinued. Tretinoin 0.1% Gel

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