How to Choose an Employee Communication App

employee communication apps offer a single gateway to all company information. They connect workers, promoting collaboration and engagement even for deskless employees in remote locations. And by streamlining communication with internal docs, meetings, and other tools, they improve productivity and increase employee satisfaction.

How to choose an employee communication app

The best employee communications apps prioritize intuitive interfaces that work across different platforms and devices. They usually include a central dashboard that displays account summaries for each user, recent or unread messages, and upcoming tasks and meetings. Many also allow users to create sub-groups to keep their content relevant to specific projects or teams. Additionally, many employee communication apps integrate with productivity and collaborative tools like Slack, Google Drive, and MS Teams to simplify task management for employees.

One such example is Guru, which provides a knowledge management system on top of existing team collaboration software. It enables users to capture content from the web or another app, such as a Slack conversation, and save it as a “card” for later reference. It also lets users assign so-called “verifiers” to edit cards and ensure they contain the correct data.

Regardless of which employee communication app you select, start by defining what your objectives are. Some apps are better for disseminating the latest business news, while others are more suited to encouraging collaboration or building communities. Then do your research and compare what each application has to offer with what you require.

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