Digital Job Hunting Strategies

There are plenty of ways to find new job opportunities. But, the digital job hunting landscape can also be confusing and overwhelming. The days of pulling out the Sunday paper and scouring column after column of “Help Wanted” ads are long gone. These days, most jobs are listed online—and it’s easier than ever for candidates to apply.

Often, there are hundreds or even thousands of applications for one position that companies need to sift through. Because of this, many hiring departments have opted to let applicant tracking systems do much of the initial screening. Consequently, it’s important for job seekers to use multiple online resources to find the right openings.

It’s also a good idea to connect with professionals in your industry via social media, in-person events, and professional associations. By letting these people know that you’re actively searching for a job, they might be able to pass along openings or introduce you to a hiring manager.

Some employers are also using technology to help them get to know candidates better before inviting them into the office for an interview. For example, they may ask candidates to record themselves answering questions on a topic such as computer coding. Then, they might play back the video to review the candidate’s skills and personality.

The key is to avoid the “send-it-and-forget-it” approach that so many applicants seem to take. Instead, focus on developing relationships with recruiters and hiring managers and getting to know individuals in teams that interest you. This way, you’ll be a more memorable applicant. Digital job hunting strategies

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