Commercial Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography is used to sell property, so it’s important that the photographs capture the space. This includes showcasing the home’s features while removing any distractions that might make potential buyers think twice about purchasing the property.

This may include removing clutter from the home’s interior and opening windows and curtains to let in natural light. It’s also important to choose the right time of day for your shoot.


Real estate photographers use professional-quality photography equipment to capture the best possible images of a property. They understand that a single photograph can make or break the sale of the listing, and they work hard to highlight the property’s unique features in order to attract prospective buyers.

The importance of space in real estate photography is not always obvious to home buyers, but a great photographer will be able to capture the property’s size and layout to help potential buyers envision themselves living there. In addition, the photographer will be able to declutter and stage spaces to show off their functionality and appeal. For example, they will remove any unnecessary furniture to create an open, flowing feeling, and may also light rooms in a way that highlights their natural lighting or other desirable characteristics.

Aerial images have become a common feature of commercial real estate photography, and it is important to know how to take the best shots using your drone. A good commercial real estate photographer will have the ability to create stunning aerial photographs and will be able to incorporate these into virtual tours of larger properties.

Aerial photos are also useful for capturing the location of the property, which can be an important factor in determining its value. A good photographer will be able to highlight the location of a property and its proximity to other areas that can be attractive to home or business buyers.


The way a property is lit makes all the difference in real estate photography. It can take a mundane photo and turn it into something captivating that will stand out among other listings. The right lighting can also add to the feel of the space, bringing out its character and creating an inviting atmosphere.

During the shoot, it’s important to be flexible and work with the light as much as possible. The best lighting comes from natural sources, such as windows and sunlight. However, if there isn’t enough light in the room, it’s crucial to have a good light stand available. This will allow you to illuminate the area from different heights and angles.

A wide-angle lens is recommended for real estate photos, as it showcases the space and creates a sense of depth. It’s also essential to open every window and use net curtains to maximize the amount of natural light in each room.

Post-processing is also important for real estate photos, as it can help to correct flaws and make the image look more polished. It’s vital to have a good understanding of how to use post-processing software such as Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop in order to improve your real estate photography skills. You should also be able to edit a photo’s exposure and white balance, remove distracting objects from the scene, and add warmth and vibrance to its colors.


In real estate photography, it’s all about the visuals. The best photographers are able to capture images that showcase a property’s features and create the desired emotional response in viewers. They use the proper techniques to ensure that all areas are well lit and free of distractions, highlighting key selling points for buyers.

Good composition is essential for real estate photography, as is a keen eye for detail. A good photographer can highlight a property’s unique architectural features and tell a story with the shot. They are also able to manipulate lighting and color to enhance their shots. This includes using photo enhancement techniques such as virtual staging and twilight conversion to show off properties in their best light.

A good photographer can take a room and make it feel larger through careful framing and the use of wide angle lenses. They can also avoid omitting important details such as cabinets and counters, making the room feel more spacious and open. They also know how to properly edit their images, such as adjusting for lens distortion.

Getting the right photos for commercial real estate is crucial to attracting potential buyers and closing sales. Studies have shown that homes with professional photos receive more online listing views and showings than those without. They also sell for a higher asking price per square foot.


Real estate photography is more than just taking pretty pictures, it’s also about selling yourself to clients. Having a portfolio website is essential for this, as it will enable you to showcase your photos and build up a following. You can also include a client proofing platform on your site to streamline and speed up the process of sharing, proofing and finalizing images with your clients.

In terms of equipment, the key is having a camera that can capture high quality, true-to-life pictures. If you’re starting out, a mid-range to high-end DSLR will work. Other necessary equipment includes a tripod and a wide-angle lens, as these will ensure that your photos are in focus and look sharp.

Adaptability is a key trait that real estate photographers need to possess. Different home sizes offer unique challenges and opportunities, so it’s important for real estate photographers to be able to adjust their approach accordingly. For example, a smaller aperture setting is ideal for capturing a room’s focal point while a larger one will be better for showing off the space as a whole.

A good real estate photographer will use aesthetics to seize attention but won’t rely on jaw-dropping visuals to do so. Instead, they’ll take a subtle approach that aligns with the buyer’s desired lifestyle. Using this approach, buyers will feel like they’re viewing their potential future home through the photographer’s eyes.

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