If you are a fan of the designer bag, you will know that there are plenty of luxury bags to choose from. There are satchels, totes, mini purses, party clutches and work bags… The list is pretty much endless.
Of course, there are also the “must-haves” that every handbag lover should own. Yet, season to season, you will see that everyone is seen sporting a new bag. Trendy designer bags are loved and yearned by everyone from commoners to celebrities. So, what is popular this season?
Here is an article to help you learn to tell the difference between what’s hot and what’s not, this season!
Bags and shoes somehow go hand in hand. What is seen on a celebrity one day seems to have disappeared from their wardrobes the next! Fashion shows and celebrity events are the best places to keep track of what’s in this season.
Louis Vuitton bags
We can start with Louis Vuitton but then all other bags may just pale in comparison! With LV being such a universal brand, it fits into being trendy as well as classic, all at the same time. Their products have struck a chord with each and every designer handbag lover, and the dream is to own at least one.
Moschino bags
Moschino’s latest bucket bag quite caught the fancy of several people. Small and easy to store, this bag is deceiving big from the inside. Available in a bright orange with the brand in gold, this bag is a casual kind of bag.
The bags from Michael Kors
Michael Kors has also struck very big with his handbags collection. With their entry into foreign markets, they have garnered a huge fan following. Their Hamilton Traveller is a great handbag to have, because it can everything that you need and even has a sling for a casual day out.
One of the hottest and most-spotted bags this season is the Everlane ‘portfolio’ bag. Spotted by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Olivia Munn all through the season! With a price not as high as other top-end brands, this simple, classic leather bag accommodates all that you need to carry and much more!
The Garbage bag design!
Not many would think that a garbage bag design could make it to this year’s best handbags designs’ list, but if Lanvin has designed it, you know why it has been hyped! The ‘Carry Me’ series by Lanvin is another of his newest and trendiest collections.
So, remember, with seasons changing, designer bag trends also constantly change. So look out for the bags of the season and choose yours wisely! michael kors bags sales